Name to Workout

Below is a tool that will generate a workout for you based on your name or other string of text.

Here are the building blocks

A: 15 Push-ups
B: 50 Jumping jacks
C: 20 Crunches
D: 10 Burpees
E: 60-sec wall sit
F: 20 arm circles
G: 20 Squats
H: 30 Jumping jacks
I: 60-sec plank
J: 20 Mountain climbers
K: 40 Crunches
L: 12 Burpees
M: 15 Jump Squats
N: 10 Push-ups
O: 20 Lunges
P: 10 Tricep dips
Q: 20 Jumping jacks
R: 60-sec plank
S: 30 bicycle crunches
T: 60-sec wall sit
U: 40 high knees
V: 30 Squats
W: 15 Tricep dips
X: 10 Mountain climbers
Y: 12 Jumping lunges
Z: 30 Crunches